The content and information we obtain through your use of our site are subject to our Privacy Policy which is specifically incorporated by reference into these Terms of Service.

EditingFlow is a cloud service subscription business designed to enable success for Professional Photographer Account Owners. EditingFlow achieves this goal by providing best in class post-production, marketing, gallery hosting, photo storage, and the selling of both print and digital versions of professional photographs.

By using this site, User agrees to abide by all the Terms and Conditions as set forth below. In addition to the General Terms and Conditions, Account Owners agree to abide by the Account Owner Terms and Conditions set forth below.

Editingflow, will from hereon be referred to as “EditingFlow”, unless otherwise noted. All pages within this site and any content and/or media made available to view or download will from here on be referred to as the “Site.” 1. The term “Site” refers to all pages, both public and secure, that host and display all services provided by EditingFlow.

2. The term “Account Owner” refers to our Customers who subscribe to a EditingFlow Annual Plan service or Pay Per Order plan in order to receive services that include but are not limited to color correction, post-production, event gallery marketing, event gallery creation/presentation/sharing/selling of photos, photo storage, professional blogging service, and/or other products provided by EditingFlow. Any time our Terms of Service and/or Terms and Conditions will refer to and reference the “Account Owner”, it is understood that an Account Owner legally and fully representing and responsible for any person or entity of whom they grant access to their said account; “Account Owner” also refers to Customers who subscribe to EditingFlow under a custom contract arrangement in order to receive services that include but are not limited to color correction, post-production, event gallery marketing, event gallery creation/presentation/sharing/selling of photos, photo storage, and/or other products provided by EditingFlow.

3. The term “Associate” refers to a user or users whom are given access to EditingFlow because of unique permissions expressly granted through use of The Associate Plan, The Associate Plus Plan, or a custom contract arrangement by which the Account Owner permits for one or more Associates (the number of users is defined by the unique contract) to use EditingFlow within the said unique contract and terms.

4. The term “Purchaser” refers to any Visitor of either EditingFlow or the Account Owner who intends to view and/or purchase photographs, products, services, and/or subscriptions via the EditingFlow site.

5. The term “User” refers to any person and/or entity who enters and/or participates on or in our site and whom is not an Account Owner.

6. The term “Content” includes but is not limited to all forms of media, functionality, user interface design, marketing automation, images, photographs, registration information, data, metadata, file names, text, fonts, graphics, user experience design, logos, icons, messaging, calls to action, images, audio and/or video files, digital downloads, prints, software, and the organization and/or juxtaposition of information.

7. The term “Annual Plan” refers to a 12-month annual subscription contract and commitment.

8. The term “Unlimited Flow” refers to a type of Annual Plan whereas an Account Owner is able to send an unlimited amount of professional photography jobs over the course of one year, the subscription duration. Terms and conditions apply.

9. The term “Easy Flow” refers to a type of Annual Plan whereas an Account Owner is able to send 10.000 images to be edited over the course of one year, the subscription duration. Terms and conditions apply.

10. The term “Medium Flow” refers to a type of Annual Plan whereas an Account Owner is able to send 15.000 images to be edited over the course of one year, the subscription duration. Terms and conditions apply.

9. The term “Premium Flow” refers to a type of Annual Plan whereas an Account Owner is able to send 22.000 images to be edited over the course of one year, the subscription duration. Terms and conditions apply.

10. The term “Per Order” refers to an outsourcing plan for the purchaser who pay per professional photography job. Terms and conditions apply.

11. The term “30 day trial” refers to a 30-day “Commitment-Free” grace period by which an Account Owner may cancel their Annual Plan Subscription. Refer to the Terms and Conditions (section VII.G) that define this policy. The term “30 day trial” also refers to Us, EditingFlow may cancel the subscription of the Account Owner when they’re not a good fit or any other reason.

12. The term “Active and in Good Standing” refers to any Account Owner in which all dues and/or fees and paid in full, not late, and/or not in collections.

13. The term “Services” means the products and services that are ordered and used by You under an Order Form or provided to You under a discount or commitment-free agreement, and made available online by Us, EditingFlow.

All EditingFlow services shall be subject to the discretion of EditingFlow and shall be subject to EditingFlow’s Terms of Service. EditingFlow reserves the right to modify or add additional conditions to the Terms of Service at any time and without notice. If any of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions are found invalid, void, or unenforceable, that provision only shall be deemed severable and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining Terms and Conditions.
THE CHOICE AND WILL TO USE THIS SITE (BOTH THE PUBLIC AND/OR SECURE SECTIONS), WHETHER CONTINUED USE OR INTERMITTENT OR FOR ANY DURATION OF TIME, INDICATES YOUR AGREEMENT TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICE PUBLISHED HEREIN. THIS INCLUDES THE USE OF ANY OTHER SITE OWNED BY EDITINGFLOW. These Terms of Service constitute the entire agreement between EDITINGFLOW, Account Owners, and Users. Violation of the Terms of Service may prompt EditingFlow to take any action it deems necessary or appropriate to enforce its rights including but not limited to the institution of legal proceedings.

All pages within this site and any content made available for view, purchase, and/or download are the property of either EditingFlow, Account Owners, licensors, and/or suppliers. The site is protected by state, federal, and international copyright and trademark laws. No portion of the content on this site owned by EditingFlow may be reprinted, republished, modified, or distributed in any form without the express written permission of EditingFlow. You agree that you shall respect the intellectual property rights of EditingFlow and the intellectual property rights of our Account Owners, licensors, and/or suppliers. You also agree that you shall keep intact any proprietary notices, including copyright notices, contained on any view, print, and/or downloaded content and shall comply with any applicable end-user license agreements. You may not access the Services if You are Our direct competitor, except with Our prior written consent. In addition, You may not access the Services for purposes of monitoring their availability, performance or functionality, or for any other benchmarking or competitive purposes. Any rights not expressly granted by the terms and conditions of these Terms of Service or any applicable end-user license agreements are reserved by EditingFlow.

Account Owner’s and User’s acknowledge that EditingFlow may change the Terms of Service and their Terms and Conditions from time to time without written notice to Account Owner’s and User’s. Account Owners and Users agree that they will not contest the validity, enforceability or admissibility of such. The Terms of Service and their terms and conditions provided on the site and that hard copy printouts of any information provided on the web site are admissible, if introduced as evidence in tangible form in any judicial or administrative proceedings, to the same extent and under the same conditions as other business records originated and maintained in documentary form. If Account Owner’s and User’s abuse and/or violate any of our Terms of Service, access to the site may be disabled automatically.

EditingFlow has the right and possesses sole discretion to remove or refuse any content that, in its judgment, does not comply with these Terms of Service. We are not responsible for any failure or delay in removing such content. You hereby consent to such removal and waive any claim against us arising out of such removal of content. The use of our site by user(s) is subject to all applicable city, state, and federal laws and regulations, and all users are solely responsible for all their actions, voices, typed words, behaviors, navigations, movements, and/or communications when using our site. To further, you understand and acknowledge that we will comply fully with any law enforcement authorities and/or legal investigations as they relate to suspected criminal violations. As either an Account Owner and/or User, you agree that you shall not: (1) impersonate any Account Owner and/or User; this includes but is not limited to employees, licensees, subcontractors, competitor, consultants, and/or representatives of EditingFlow (2) access any account without the permission of the Account Owner; (3) infringe on any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, right of publicity, or other proprietary rights of EditingFlow, Account Owners, and/or Participants; (4) spam other EditingFlow user(s) or burden them with unwanted communications; or (5) post content that is unlawful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, libelous, deceptive, fraudulent, invasive of another’s privacy, tortious, explicit or graphic descriptions or accounts of sexual acts (including but not limited to sexual language of a violent or threatening nature directed at another individual or group of individuals); (6) modify, adapt, screen grab, copy, hack, and/or modify any other website so as to falsely imply or make it appear that the website is associated with EditingFlow; (7) misuse, transfer, sell, copy, screen grab, or otherwise disclose private information provided to you by other Account Owners, Users, and/or Participants; (8) victimize, harass, degrade, intimidate an individual or group of individuals on the basis of religion, gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, age, or disability; (9) communicate or transfer any content and/or software code designed to damage, harm, breach security, expose privacy, and/or degrade the integrity of EditingFlow, Account Owners, and/or its Users; this communication includes but not limited to code such as files, viruses, software programs, or worms; (10) participate in any behavior that harms, damages, and/or limits the functions of any marketing efforts, software design, software design or algorithm, software database(s), data transfer, hardware, and/or telecommunication efforts; (11) enable others to, copy (except as expressly permitted by these Terms of Service), decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, attempt to derive the source code of, decrypt, modify, or create derivative works of the EditingFlow Software or any services provided by the EditingFlow Software or any part thereof; You understand and agree that we may at any time, and at our sole discretion, terminate your account subscription, account, contract, and/or other affiliation with our site without prior notice to you for violating any of the above prohibitions.

Subject to the terms and conditions as set forth in these Terms of Service, EditingFlow may offer different levels of services depending on the Account Owner’s annual plan and/or custom contract. It is each Account Owner’s responsibility to be informed of these terms and conditions, as well as the various service opportunities, options, and tiers provided by EditingFlow. For detailed description and comparison of different levels of services available please refer to the EditingFlow pricing page

Each Account Owner is responsible for any and all activity that occurs under the photographer’s username or account. Each Account Owner is responsible for obtaining permission and proper release documentation from any person whose image is published by the Account Owner on our site. While, in its sole discretion, EditingFlow has the right to refuse or remove any material or activities on its site. EditingFlow specifically reserves the right to delete any images where EditingFlow, in its sole judgment, lacks confidence in the documentation of a photography release. By using our site, each Account Owner agrees to not publicly share, post or redistribute any prices, product, shipping, services, and/or details of any third party service our site is aligned with which includes but is not limited to printing labs, album designs, etc.

All Content, as defined in the ‘Descriptions and Terms’ section, is the property of either EditingFlow, an Account Owner, and/or our licensors/suppliers. (1) INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY PROMISE The Account Owner legally promises, represents and warrants to EditingFlow that the Account Owner is the legal owner and/or legally controls all of the rights to the Account Owner content including the content uploaded and/or provided by the Associates participating on behalf of the Account Owner; the Account Owner promises and warrants to possess all the legal rights necessary to grant EditingFlow such license. (2) COPYRIGHT PROTECTION If we receive a claim of copyright infringement, EditingFlow reserves the right to immediately remove the identified content from our site without liability to the Account Owner or any other party. (3) ACCOUNT OWNER RIGHTS Account Owners retain their full legal rights to any content they upload to our site, including, but not limited to, photographs, videos audio, digital content, metadata, and any/all business info entered into the site by the Account Owner and/or Associate. (4) EDITINGFLOW TERMS When an Account Owner uploads, delivers, and/or transmits content to EditingFlow, EditingFlow will not share any presets or materials with third parties. EditingFlow will not share work publicly without first obtaining permission from the Customer.

In order for Account Owners to access and use services on our site, the Account Owner will be required to complete our online registration forms which require specific data fields to be entered accurately and completely. By registering this required info, the Account Owner agrees that all information provided during the registration process is true and accurate. Also, the Account Owner promises to change and update the information should at any time its accuracy expire. This information includes but is not limited to credit card data, contact info such as telephone/email/ and/or mailing address, website address, Account Owner preferences, etc.

EditingFlow makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy, correctness or reliability of the content posted on this site or sold by Account Owners. EditingFlow cannot ensure that all persons depicted in the photographs and trademark owners have consented to the display of their image or trademark on this site. Although we reserve the right and have sole discretion to audit and review all content placed on our site by a User, we neither endorse nor assume any liability for the contents of any content uploaded or submitted to the site.

At successive one (1) year periods unless the Account Owner provides EditingFlow with written notice, at least 10 days or the expiration of an Annual Plan subscription, this subscription will automatically renew.

Should a cancellation of any Annual Plan be requested outside of the FIRST MONTH TRIAL PERIOD (see section H. CANCELLATION - FIRST MONTH TRIAL PERIOD) and prior to the 1 year subscription fulfillment period, EditingFlow will grant cancellation according to the following terms only: cancellation prior to the completion of the 12 month Annual Plan subscription will be achieved by paying for the difference (if any). For the “Easy Flow” subscription $297.00/month left of the 1 year subscription fulfillment period and for the “Premium Flow” subsription $439/month left of the 1 year subscription fulfillment period for early termination.

If the Annual Plan Account Owner has not had a previous subscription with EditingFlow, they have a 30 day or two edited wedding galleries or 6 small galleries (less than 300 images), whichever comes first, grace period by which they may choose to cancel and will be released of their contractual 1-year subscription commitment with no additional costs. The choice to cancel by the Account Owner must occur before 30 calendar days of their Account Owner registration date and before completion of more than three editing jobs on your behalf. You (the Account Owner) have the option to cancel your Annual Plan Subscription within the first 30 days should the following three conditions be met: You submit a request for cancellation in writing by email to You have not had a previous subscription with EditingFlow We have not completed editing on more than two edited wedding galleries or 6 small galleries (less than 300 images) You are within your FIRST MONTH TRIAL PERIOD, which is the first 30 days.

Account Owner agrees that EditingFlow may terminate each Account Owner’s subscription and/or access to and use of the Account Owner services, with or without cause, at any time and at the sole discretion of EditingFlow; If an Account Owner Subscription is terminated for any reason other than a violation of these Terms of Service, EditingFlow will refund the prorated difference between their most recent payment and the day of cancellation during the month of termination. Upon termination of an Account Owner Subscription, and if the Account Owner is terminated for any reason other than a violation of these Terms of Service, EditingFlow will provide up to 30 days for an Extra user to download, gather, and secure any/all content from our site. After these 30 days, EditingFlow has no obligation to provide Account Owner with a copy of any content whatsoever and EditingFlow may delete the Account Owner content permanently and forever. Upon termination or suspension, if the Account Owner has breached the terms of our service, the Account Owner’s right to use the services available on this site immediately ceases, and you acknowledge and agree that we may immediately deactivate or delete your account and all related information, data, and/or files in your account and/or bar any further access to such files or this site. We shall not be liable to you or any third party for any claims or damages arising out of any termination or suspension or any other actions taken by us in connection with such termination or suspension.

EditingFlow will collect payment of an Account Owner in the event there is a negative balance associated with any of our service or services. EditingFlow shall have the right to either discontinue placement of orders via any of the EditingFlow Services until the negative balance is paid in full or terminate the account and/or apply the profits generated by an Account Owner’s gallery(s) until the negative balance is paid in full.

Nothing in the Account Owner’s Terms of Service shall limit EditingFlow’s right to pursue all remedies allowed by law to collect on delinquent accounts. If Account Owner is unable to make their payments, access to their account will be disabled until payment in full is received.

(1) Our site, including any material or activities contained within it or any site-related service, is provided “as is”, with all faults, and “as available”, with no representations or warranties of any kind. Account Owner shall release, defend, indemnify and hold harmless EditingFlow (including its officers, directors, employees, affiliates, independent contractors, distributors, agents and successors) against any expense, loss, cost or liability (including, without limitation, interest, penalties, attorney fees and paralegal fees) arising from any and all claims, demands, damages or actions resulting from or related to (1) use of EditingFlow by Account Owner, User, or Account Owner’s customers. (including, without limitation, any claim regarding use of EditingFlow by Account Owner in an infringing manner or any claim by third parties for breach of warranty, negligence, loss of data, libel, slander, unfair competition, trademark infringement, or invasion of privacy); (2) performance of EditingFlow; (3) Corruption or damage to the EditingFlow and system; (4) Customer’s negligence or the acts (or any failure to act) of Customer hereunder; (5) any breach by Customer of the obligations of Customer hereunder; and (6) investigation or defense of any of the above or in asserting EditingFlow rights hereunder. (2) TO THE EXTENT PERMISSIBLE BY LAW, EDITINGFLOW DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, ACCURACY AND ANY WARRANTIES REGARDING THE SECURITY, RELIABILITY, TIMELINESS, ACCURACY, AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SITE. SHOOTDOTEDIT DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONS OR OTHER CONTENT ON ITS SITE ARE ACCURATE, COMPLETE, RELIABLE, CURRENT OR ERROR-FREE OR THAT THIS SITE, ITS SERVERS, OR EMAIL SENT FROM EDITINGFLOW ARE FREE OF VIRUSES OR OTHER HARMFUL COMPONENTS. YOU ASSUME ALL RESPONSIBILITY AND RISK AND WAIVE ANY AND ALL CLAIMS AND CAUSES OF ACTION WITH RESPECT TO YOUR USE OF THIS SITE, SITE-RELATED SERVICES, AND/OR HYPERLINKED SITES.

The security of an Account Owner’s personal information is important to us. EditingFlow follows and adheres to the generally accepted industry standards to help protect and guard personal information and data. For instance, when an Account Owner enters sensitive information (such as a credit card number) on our registration or order forms, EditingFlow encrypts that information using secure socket layer (SSL) technology. That said, there is no such method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, that is 100% immune or protected or secure. Account Owner’s are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their password and account and for any and all statements made and acts or omissions that occur through the use of your password and account. While EditingFlow strives to protect Account Owner and/or User personal information, EditingFlow cannot guarantee its absolute security and/or protection. Therefore, you must take steps to ensure that others do not gain access to your password and account. In consideration of the above statements, the Account Owners hereby acknowledges and understands that all content uploaded to our site may become accessible to the public, and it may be used, downloaded, linked to, and archived by others, and may appear on other websites and in search engine results. We will take all reasonable effort to protect your account, privacy, and content according to our best practices and in line with your account preferences, however, we cannot guarantee the absolute security of your account and all the content you have provided. We cannot guarantee that our security measures will prevent any third party or hackers from illegally gaining access to your account and content, and we assume no responsibility for any illegal access of your account and content as a result. You accept all risks of any unauthorized access to all information you provide to EditingFlow, including but not limited to registration information, content, and account information.

EditingFlow offers four different Annual Plan Subscriptions to choose from and each has a unique cost associated with its value.

This is a 12 month (annual) subscription commitment: $3,564 per year at 12 monthly payments of $297 per month.

Plan provides for the use 10.000 image credits a year. You choose how many credits you use per month. When the limit of 10.000 credits has been reached, you can still outsource more catalogs with 10% off the normal fee ($0.35/image). Allowing the EASY FLOW Plan to expire will result in any accrued and/or unused credits to be inaccessible until the EASY FLOW Plan is reactivated/renewed. Upon cancellation of any subscription, all available and/or unused EASY FLOW credits will expire. Account owners will not receive a full or partial refund of any monthly or annual fee already paid nor will they receive a refund for any unused credits. All EASY FLOW Plan Account Owners may upgrade to the PREMIUM FLOW Plan without penalty of the subscription cancellation for the EASY FLOW Plan. Upgrading to the PREMIUM FLOW Plan does require the signing of a new yearly commitment. The images submitted with this plan must be photographed explicitly by the Account Owner of this plan. For full jobs/events submitted that are not photographed by the account holder of this subscription (ie. photographed by associates, other photographers, other studios, or any person or people not named on the EASY FLOW Plan), EditingFlow will consider this abuse, will require full retail payment any such job submission, and this behavior is grounds for cancellation of the subscription. If the EASY FLOW Plan is canceled due to abuse, all cancellation requirements per these terms and conditions will take full effect. For each job/event (defined in section A) submitted the photographer (the person) named on the EASY FLOW Plan must submit 65% or more of the entire image count. Shipping & Handling charges for any type of hardware storage data vehicle (ie. mini hard drive, thumb drive, etc.) are not covered by the EASY PLAN Plan. This plan is for the account holder whom shall be a professional photographer and whom may only submit professional images that were for hire by contract. This subscription may not be used for non-professional, personal, and/or hobby related images including but not limited to: extended education, testing, travel, leisure, pictures of friends, family or friend events, family, pets, architecture, etc. This is a legal and binding contract.

By agreeing to these terms, you (the Account Owner) agree to pay the 12-month subscription commitment at $297 per month. EditingFlow reserves the right to collect payment from the EASY FLOW PLAN Account Owner named on this plan to cover all debt collection services.

This is a 12 month (annual) subscription commitment: $5,268 per year at 12 monthly payments of $439 per month.

Plan provides for the use 15.000 image credits a year. You choose how many credits you use per month. When the limit of 15.000 credits has been reached, you can still outsource more catalogs with 10% off the normal fee ($0.35/image). Allowing the MEDIUM FLOW Plan to expire will result in any accrued and/or unused credits to be inaccessible until the MEDIUM FLOW Plan is reactivated/renewed. Upon cancellation of any subscription, all available and/or unused EASY FLOW credits will expire. Account owners will not receive a full or partial refund of any monthly or annual fee already paid nor will they receive a refund for any unused credits. All MEDIUM FLOW Plan Account Owners may upgrade to the PREMIUM FLOW or UNLIMITED FLOW Plan without penalty of the subscription cancellation for the MEDIUM FLOW Plan. Upgrading to the a different Plan does require the signing of a new yearly commitment. The images submitted with this plan must be photographed explicitly by the Account Owner of this plan. For full jobs/events submitted that are not photographed by the account holder of this subscription (ie. photographed by associates, other photographers, other studios, or any person or people not named on the PREMIUM FLOW Plan), EditingFlow will consider this abuse, will require full retail payment any such job submission, and this behavior is grounds for cancellation of the subscription. If the PREMIUM FLOW Plan is canceled due to abuse, all cancellation requirements per these terms and conditions will take full effect. For each job/event (defined in section A) submitted the photographer (the person) named on the PREMIUM FLOW Plan must submit 65% or more of the entire image count. Shipping & Handling charges for any type of hardware storage data vehicle (ie. mini hard drive, thumb drive, etc.) are not covered by the PREMIUM PLAN Plan. This plan is for the account holder whom shall be a professional photographer and whom may only submit professional images that were for hire by contract. This subscription may not be used for non-professional, personal, and/or hobby related images including but not limited to: extended education, testing, travel, leisure, pictures of friends, family or friend events, family, pets, architecture, etc. This is a legal and binding contract.

By agreeing to these terms, you (the Account Owner) agree to pay the 12-month subscription commitment at $439 per month. EditingFlow reserves the right to collect payment from the MEDIUM FLOW PLAN Account Owner named on this plan to cover all debt collection services.

This is a 12 month (annual) subscription commitment: $7,380 per year at 12 monthly payments of $615 per month.

Plan provides for the use 22.000 image credits a year. You choose how many credits you use per month. When the limit of 22.000 credits has been reached, you can still outsource more catalogs with 15% off the normal fee ($0.35/image). Allowing the PREMIUM FLOW Plan to expire will result in any accrued and/or unused credits to be inaccessible until the PREMIUM FLOW Plan is reactivated/renewed. Upon cancellation of any subscription, all available and/or unused PREMIUM FLOW credits will expire. Account owners will not receive a full or partial refund of any monthly or annual fee already paid nor will they receive a refund for any unused credits. All PREMIUM FLOW Plan Account Owners may upgrade to the UNLIMITED FLOW Plan without penalty of the subscription cancellation for the PREMIUM FLOW Plan. Upgrading to the PREMIUM FLOW Plan does require the signing of a new yearly commitment. The images submitted with this plan must be photographed explicitly by the Account Owner of this plan. For full jobs/events submitted that are not photographed by the account holder of this subscription (ie. photographed by associates, other photographers, other studios, or any person or people not named on the PREMIUM FLOW Plan), EditingFlow will consider this abuse, will require full retail payment any such job submission, and this behavior is grounds for cancellation of the subscription. If the PREMIIUM FLOW Plan is canceled due to abuse, all cancellation requirements per these terms and conditions will take full effect. For each job/event (defined in section A) submitted the photographer (the person) named on the PREMIUM FLOW Plan must submit 65% or more of the entire image count. Shipping & Handling charges for any type of hardware storage data vehicle (ie. mini hard drive, thumb drive, etc.) are not covered by the PREMIUM FLOW PLAN Plan. This plan is for the account holder whom shall be a professional photographer and whom may only submit professional images that were for hire by contract. This subscription may not be used for non-professional, personal, and/or hobby related images including but not limited to: extended education, testing, travel, leisure, pictures of friends, family or friend events, family, pets, architecture, etc. This is a legal and binding contract.

By agreeing to these terms, you (the Account Owner) agree to pay the 12-month subscription commitment at $615 per month. EditingFlow reserves the right to collect payment from the PREMIUM FLOW PLAN Account Owner named on this plan to cover all debt collection services.

This is a 12 month (annual) subscription commitment: $9,420 per year at 12 monthly payments of $785 per month.

Plan provides UNLIMITED editing in 12 months. You choose how many catalogs you outsource per month. Upon cancellation of any subscription, account owners will not receive a full or partial refund of any monthly or annual fee already paid nor will they receive a refund for any unused credits. The images submitted with this plan must be photographed explicitly by the Account Owner of this plan. For full jobs/events submitted that are not photographed by the account holder of this subscription (ie. photographed by associates, other photographers, other studios, or any person or people not named on the UNLIMITED FLOW Plan), EditingFlow will consider this abuse, will require full retail payment any such job submission, and this behavior is grounds for cancellation of the subscription. If the UNLIMITED FLOW Plan is canceled due to abuse, all cancellation requirements per these terms and conditions will take full effect. For each job/event (defined in section A) submitted the photographer (the person) named on the UNLIMITED FLOW Plan must submit 65% or more of the entire image count. Shipping & Handling charges for any type of hardware storage data vehicle (ie. mini hard drive, thumb drive, etc.) are not covered by the UNLIMITED PLAN Plan. This plan is for the account holder whom shall be a professional photographer and whom may only submit professional images that were for hire by contract. This subscription may not be used for non-professional, personal, and/or hobby related images including but not limited to: extended education, testing, travel, leisure, pictures of friends, family or friend events, family, pets, architecture, etc.

This is a legal and binding contract. By agreeing to these terms, you (the Account Owner) agree to pay the 12-month subscription commitment at $785 per month.
EditingFlow reserves the right to collect payment from the UNLIMITED FLOW PLAN Account Owner named on this plan to cover all debt collection services.


EditingFlow services and deliveries are conducted during 8 a.m - 6 p.m. CET. These hours may change and/or vary. Any services, support items, phone calls, emails, jobs, uploads, verifications, and/or deliveries needing our assistance outside of these business hours will be tended to at the nearest business day and start time. II. MINIMUM ORDER FEE A minimum of 70 images must be received in order for the job (wedding/portrait) to move into production. Any event submitted with less than 70 images will be charged a minimum order fee of $30.00.

Annual Plans include professional color correction services for the following file types: RAW, DNG & JPG Annual plans DO NOT include “any other service” provided by EditingFlow. The “any other service” portion of these terms refers to but is not limited to the following: Culling services, processing to jpg service, uploads to third party galleries/hosts, data vehicle hardware shipping fees, categorization, artistic editing, etc.

Discounts or refunds from previous, pending, and/or current orders may not be credited toward any Annual Plan. Any value (ie. promo codes, vouchers, DotCredits, gift cards, etc.) from previous and/or current orders may not be applied to any Annual Plan. Only one promotional or discount code may be used with an order. You are not allowed to stack or bundle promotions or codes. Additionally, with the exception of “Extra”, special offers cannot be combined or be in conjunction with any other special offers, promotions, or discount. If, at any point, the contract is canceled, the promotional value (or the remainder of promotional value) associated with the contract is also forfeited. There are no refunds and all monthly payments must be fulfilled.

Non-Payment and/or delayed payment of 14 calendar days or more will act as a voluntary cancellation by the account holder of any Annual Plan and all cancellation requirements per these terms of service will take full effect. EditingFlow reserves the right to collect payment from the Account Owner named on the Annual Plan to cover all debt collection services.

The Easy Flow and Premium Flow Plans are designed to support studios with only one “1” Lead Photographer. This Lead Photographer name and person must also be the same name and person as is registered on the EditingFlow Subscription Plan account. Studios employing or working with more than one “1” Lead Photographer are disqualified from the Easy Flow and Premium Flow Plans. EditingFlow reserves the right to evaluate and review any EditingFlow account type in order to approve eligibility for any Subscription Plan type offered. Evaluation criteria used to determine eligibility may include but are not limited to: legal records, state and federal records, public and private records, the Internet, public and/or private digital social media profiles (ie. forums, blogs, reviews, testimonials, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc.).

You agree that upon request from EditingFlow or its authorized representatives you will within fourteen (14) days fully document and certify that use any EditingFlow Annual Plan at the time of the request is in conformity with these terms and conditions. In order to maintain a fair and reasonable service to our customers, EditingFlow reserves the right to “Add to” these terms and conditions at any time.

You are required to take all reasonable measures to avoid and reduce damages, in particular, to make back-up copies of any computer data subject to the provisions of this agreement.

Indemnity. You agree to hold EditingFlow harmless from any and all liabilities, losses, actions, damages, or claims (including all reasonable expenses, costs, and attorneys fees) arising out of or relating to any use of any EditingFlow Annual Plan.


EditingFlow will always do its best to publish accurate content in the product options, however, we do not warrant that the product descriptions, photos, and pricing are accurate, complete, reliable, current or error-free. All size dimensions are approximate, we make reasonable efforts to accurately showcase all details of the product offerings, the applicable crop (in the case that the product needs cropping to fit the selected sizes), please note that the actual color or crop you will see might be different. EditingFlow lab partners reserve the right to format manipulate or modify the image as may be required to satisfy a particular order. In the event of an error, we reserve the right to correct such error and charge the correct price or cancel your order. You acknowledge that EditingFlow provides no warranties for any digital product license and you are entering into the license agreement with the Account Owner. EditingFlow is not responsible for enforcing the agreement nor resolving any disputes.

User shall use a credit card to pay for EditingFlow any/all site services. When the user provides credit card information to EditingFlow, the user represents and warrants to EditingFlow that user is the authorized holder of the credit card that is used to pay for EditingFlow services and/or other fees. With respect to both Annual Plans, services, and/or product offering, the user agrees and confirms that EditingFlow is authorized to charge the credit card provided.

The security of a User’s personal information is important to us. EditingFlow follows and adheres to the generally accepted industry standards to help protect and guard personal information and data. For instance, when a User enters sensitive information (such as a credit card number) on our registration or order forms, EditingFlow encrypts that information using secure socket layer (SSL) technology. That said, there is no such method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, that is 100% immune or protected or secure. A User is solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their password and account and for any and all statements made and acts or omissions that occur through the use of your password and account. While EditingFlow strives to protect a User’s information, EditingFlow cannot guarantee its absolute security and/or protection. Therefore, you must take steps to ensure that others do not gain access to your password and account. In consideration of the above statements, you hereby acknowledge and understand that all content you upload to the platform may become accessible to the public, and it may be used, downloaded, linked to, and archived by others, and may appear on other websites and in search engine results. We will take all reasonable effort to protect your account, privacy, and content according to our best practices and in line with your account preferences, however, we cannot guarantee the absolute security of your account and all the content you have provided. We cannot guarantee that our security measures will prevent any third party or hackers from illegally gaining access to your account and content, and we assume no responsibility for any illegal access of your account and content as a result. You accept all risks of any unauthorized access to all information you provide to EditingFlow, including but not limited to registration information, content, and account information.

These Terms of Service constitute the entire agreement and understanding between us concerning the subject matter of this agreement and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings of the parties with respect to that subject matter. These Terms of Service may not be altered, supplemented, or amended by the use of any other document(s). Any attempt to alter, supplement or amend this document or to enter an order for products or services which are subject to additional or altered terms and conditions shall be null and void unless otherwise agreed to in a written agreement signed by you and us. To the extent that anything in or associated with this site is in conflict or inconsistent with these Terms of Service, these Terms of Service shall take precedence.

Our site may provide, or third parties may provide, links to other World Wide Web sites or resources. You acknowledge and agree that EditingFlow is not responsible for the availability of such external sites or resources, and does not endorse and is not responsible or liable for any content, advertising, products or other materials on or available from such sites or resources. You further acknowledge and agree that EditingFlow shall not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any such Content, goods or services available on or through any such site or resource.

EditingFlow shall not be liable to Account Owner in connection with or relating to these Terms of Service, the selected system, EditingFlow, and any transactions involving EditingFlow for any direct, indirect, lost profits, consequential, special, exemplary, incidental or punitive damages, regardless of the form of action, whether in contract or in tort, including, without limitation, damages for loss of business, business interruption, loss of business information or other indirect or consequential loss, breach of warranty and negligence, regardless of whether EditingFlow has been advised of the possibility of such damages in advance or whether such damages are reasonably foreseeable. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, the liability of EditingFlow for any reason and for any cause of action whatsoever in connection with or relating to these Terms of Service, the selected system, EditingFlow and any transactions involving EditingFlow shall be limited to and not exceed the amount paid by the active Account Owner for subscription payments within the last six months (excluding any products ordered through the site or any other fees associated with those orders).


You agree not to sell, resell, reproduce, duplicate, copy or use for any commercial purposes any portion of this site, or use of or access to this site.

You understand and agree that EditingFlow  may assign its rights under these Terms and Conditions. You understand and agree that Your personal information may be transferred to the succeeding entity. You may not subcontract, assign, or otherwise delegate Your obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of EditingFlow.

EditingFlow shall not be liable for any failure by EditingFlow to perform its obligations under this Agreement because of circumstances beyond the reasonable control of EditingFlow which such circumstances shall include (without limitation) natural disaster, terrorism, riot, sabotage, labor disputes, war, any acts or omissions of any government, governmental authority or third party, declarations of governments, transportation delays, power failure, computer failure, web server failure, telecommunications failure, Third Party Technology, failure of Account Owner to cooperate with the reasonable requests of EditingFlow, misuse of the selected system or EditingFlow by Account Owner or third party, breach of this Agreement by EditingFlow or a third party and any other events reasonably beyond the control of EditingFlow

You acknowledge and agree to these Terms of Service and that all content presented to you on this site is protected by copyrights, trademarks, service marks, patents or other proprietary rights and laws, and is the sole property of EditingFlow. You are only permitted to use the content as expressly authorized by us or the specific content provider. You may not copy, reproduce, modify, republish, upload, post, transmit, or distribute any documents or information from this site in any form or by any means without prior written permission from us or the specific content provider, and you are solely responsible for obtaining permission before reusing any copyrighted material that is available on this site.
Any unauthorized use of the content appearing on this site may violate copyright, trademark and other applicable laws and could result in criminal or civil penalties. Nothing in these Terms of Service grants you any right to use any trademark, service mark, logo, and/or the name of EditingFlow

Except as explicitly noted on this site, the services available through this site are provided by EditingFlow. If you notice that any user is violating these Terms of Service, please contact us at

Terms of Service