How to Outsource Photo Editing and Grow Your Photography Business

Editing photos after a shoot is one of the most time-consuming parts of a photography business. According to PetaPixel, photographers spend only 4% of their time on the actual shoot, but a whopping 55% of their time is spent on editing images. Aside from being tedious, it also hinders photographers from focusing on their craft and expanding the business, which is why outsourcing can be a good alternative. With outsourcing your editing, you are free to put all your effort and time into the art and business of photography.

Outsourcing might be a huge step, and it can also be daunting, especially if it is new to you. That is why we’ve compiled this step-by-step guide while giving you a rundown on how to jump to outsourcing your photo editing and hopefully ease your mind and answer your questions along the way.

Step 1: Do a background check

You will be handing off your work to someone, and that someone has to be able to meet your needs and has high work standards. It pays to check the website, testimonies from previous clients, and FAQs.

Step 2: Inquire for a trial run

We know outsourcing may be intimidating at first, and it’s understandable. The good thing is we can do a trial run so you can test the waters without any commitment. You can have a complimentary 100 edited images for your trial run; that way, you can see how we can improve your current business operations and how we work. It’s taking a peep without the pressure and feeling of being obligated to do outsourcing full time.

How to outsource photo editing and grow your photography business

Step 3: Choose a plan

We have five outsourcing plans you can choose from, and we’re confident that at least one plan would suit your needs as we have plans ranging from per order to different memberships and unlimited for a year.

Step 4: Inquire for our client list

Once a plan has been selected, you can inquire for our client list! This is the part where you tell me more about your photography business and your editing preferences.

Step 5: Schedule a slot

After you inquired for EditingFlow’s client list, you will be given access to our calendar. With our flexible schedule, you can book an editing slot for your existing projects and book editing slots for your upcoming shoots.

Step 6: Upload your gallery

If you’ve never done this before, don’t fret! You will receive a guide on doing this, and uploading your catalog on our page is as easy as drag and drop. Once your catalog is uploaded, take your mind off it and let us do the magic so you can focus on other parts of your business.

Step 7: Catalog delivery

After one to seven business days, your gallery will be ready for delivery!

And that’s it! Quick and easy. It only takes six steps to free your hands of the work behind the computer and your mind off the amount of time expended on editing. Outsourcing some parts of your process is definitely a wise move for photographers who want to grow their business while providing top-notch service and products to their clients. Ready to dive in and be on EditingFlow’s client list? Contact us!

The most valuable thing
to buy is time.